Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The end of (and Mojito) is coming soon...

 Hi All,

I'm sure you have all heard by now that Intuit is shutting down Mint on January 1, 2024, and encouraging users to switch to Credit Karma (which is also owned by Intuit). Since Credit Karma almost certainly has different APIs (application programming interfaces) than Mint, this switch will effectively kill Mojito also. We had a good 10 year run with Mojito, but our luck has finally run out.

Personally, I haven't yet figured out what I'm going to do next to download and aggregate my financial data. I'm kind of hesitant to switch to Credit Karma because I'm fairly certain Intuit's business model will be to sell everything about me to their "partners" (just like they do with Mint) ... because free isn't really "free", right?

Under the hood, Credit Karma uses Plaid, which is a financial programming platform that provides APIs for accessing thousands of financial institutions. My initial thought was to use Plaid directly and copy, or customize, one of the existing solutions on GitHub to fetch my financial data: Unfortunately,  I discovered that I can't connect to my bank, credit card, or investment company using Plaid's Quickstart application, so that plan might not work out (or, at least, will take more time to sort out than I expected). However, you might have better luck. I highly recommend you check out that link. Maybe you'll find a solution that works for you!

IF I am able to come up with a solution that would be useful to others, I'll post a message here. Good luck to all of you. Thanks for being devoted Mojito users all these years!
