Sunday, March 30, 2014

Recent Mint change has broken Mojito

It appears that Mint has made a change to their web services that is causing Mojito to fail with the message "Error: Your Mint login session has expired. You must login again".

This error appears when Mojito is waiting for Mint to sync your data from your financial institutions. However, I have done further testing, and it seems that all Mint calls fail with the same error.

I will continue investigating and post a fix as soon as I can.



  1. Has this been fixed? You indicate that it has but I have not been able to get things working

    1. Yes. It has been fixed in version 1.1.1. That is to say, it works for me; and a few other users that I am aware of. What problem(s) are you having?

      Oh, I just remembered ... another user pointed out to me yesterday that I had left debug logging enabled in Mojito (which I have now fixed). It is possible that the debug log is filling up as you are using Mojito and the log exceeding the max size causing errors. Make sure debug logging is disabled.

      You can check if debug logging is enabled by opening the script editor (menu: Tools > Script editor), opening the script and looked for this line near the top: "Debug.enabled = true/false;" If it is "true", then set it to "false", save the script, and close / re-open Mojito. (There are more detailed steps for turning debug logging on and off on the More Q and A page.

    2. Clearing the log seemed to help! I will experiment a little as well with having the log enabled/disabled.

      While it was importing I got this error though:
      [2014-04-09 14:02:13.GMT] Exception:
      message: 'Those columns are out of bounds.'
      name: 'Exception'
      fileName: 'Sheets (MojitoLib)'
      lineNumber: '770'
      stack: ' at Sheets (MojitoLib):770
      at Ui (MojitoLib):487
      at Ui (MojitoLib):253
      at Ui (MojitoLib):92
      at Ui (MojitoLib):56
      at SheetTriggers:63 (onMenu_1)
      e.toString(): Exception: Those columns are out of bounds.

      I was clicking around a little before it was completely done importing so I don't know if that was troublesome.

    3. Interesting. I have never seen that particular error. If the error persists, let me know and I'll try to add some extra debug logging to help troubleshoot the problem.


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