Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mojito is available -- Fix for bug in Reconcile Account feature

The bug mentioned in my previous blog post has now been fixed. If you are using Mojito 1.1.4, please upgrade your copy to version now.

Do NOT use the Reconcile Account feature in version 1.1.4.



  1. Quick request/suggestion: Could some extra columns be added to the "Account Data" sheet on the default template?

    Seems like the default for Google Sheets is about 25. I needed a couple of extras, so inserted them and re-ran the sync (seems to have worked). But, could the total columns be increased to, say, 40 or 50, which would likely accommodate just about everyone? Or maybe a note inserted?

    1. Hi Garret,

      New columns should be added automatically when you import your accounts ... at least, it works that way for rows when importing transactions. Are columns not being added automatically for you?

    2. FYI, I went ahead and added a few columns to the AccountData sheet. It now goes out to column "AZ".

    3. Ok - Yep, I see that now in the new version.

      ...Right, the script got stuck at adding additional columns to the Account Data tab. Once I saw that & added a few extras, it was able to complete. ...Anyway, by going out to AZ, that should accommodate just about anyone else that could run into.

      Muchas gracias.

  2. Is there an auto sync feature? I have Mojito connected to my Geckoboard (via Google Sheets) and I'm trying to have it sync in the background. With my RescueTime and Fitbit stats connected, I'm an auto sync feature away from a complete, personal dashboard.

    1. Hi P.J.,

      In order for something like auto-sync to work, you would have to save your password within Mojito, which I have specifically avoided for security reasons.

      A few people have asked for such a feature (I can count the them on one hand, with fingers left over). I'll give it some thought...

    2. Appreciate the response! A secure save feature would be a game changer for sure.

  3. Is it intended for the "dummy" reconciled transactions to show up as pending transactions in Mint? I currently have 7 reconciled transactions all showing up as pending transactions, which crowd the top of the Transaction page. I realize you can minimize the pending transactions, but I just wanted to make sure it was working as intended.

    1. Yes, the pending "reconciled" txns are intended, although not ideal. Since they are dummy one-cent transactions to track reconcile history, they will never be linked to a real txn. So they will always be "pending". I realize this will clutter up the pending txns list in Mint, but it's the only option I could think of to get the desired outcome. The "workaround", as you suggested is to minimize the pending txn list so you don't see them.

      Personally, I stopped looking at my individual txns in Mint a long time ago. I just use Mojito to view / edit them. :-)
