Thursday, May 26, 2016

Recent Mint change has broken Mojito

Hi All,

It appears that has made a change today (26-May-2016) that is causing Mojito to fail with the following error:

Unable to determine if Mint is ready. Error: <error><code>1</code><description>Session has expired.</description><name></name><type></type></error>

The cause of the problem is unknown at this point. Unfortunately, I am in the middle of a multi-week vacation, so my ability to debug and fix it is severely hampered. I'll see what I can do, but I can't make an promises as to when the issue will be fixed.

In the meantime, please use directly. Sorry for the inconvenience.



  1. Thanks! Looking forward to the update :)

  2. Looks like the Python MintAPI was having the same issue, seems they have found a work-around for the time being.

    1. Yep. I've been watching that github issue. Unfortunately, the python script those guys are using is geared towards programmers and their workaround for this login issue is to watch http network traffic through the browser, copy a particular session id, and input it into their script. That might work as a temporary workaround for me, and maybe you too, but most Mojito users are not programmers who are comfortable sniffing network traffic. Hopefully, a better solution can be found.

      Up to this point, I have had almost no time to dig into this issue, so I don't even have a workaround yet. Maybe I'll be able to take a look in the next few days. I apologize for the trouble this is causing everyone ...

  3. Hi b3,

    Any update on this? I didn't realize how much I relied on Mojito until it went down! Mint can't do what I need it to.

    Hope you're having a good vacation.


  4. yeah me too! I manage all my finances with mojito.
